Monday, October 25, 2004
Bus Ad: Kid's Face
Bus ad, Shanghai 2004
I felt like taking a shot while taking a cab. It was raining and dull but the kid's face kind of lit up things a bit.
Friday, October 22, 2004
This Is What We Call A "Detour"
Oh YES, we ARE in the correct direction!
Tuesday night, after work, I drove from Santa Clara to Burlingame to pick up my uncle who is on a business tour and is staying at a hotel near 101. There was a storm that night in some places alone north 101 but that was not the part I am gonna talk about.
It is the way back to Mountain View: apparently we should take south 101 which is right there outside the hotel building, yet we ended up turning 720 (pronounced as "seven hundred and twenty") degrees before merging onto south 101. It was pretty bad, a '93 Civic plus four people plus a storm plus the mist outside plus the fog inside plus my 11 year old car battery plus my 165-75R13 tires. Yet we managed the 720-degree manuver at first attempt(Hallelujah......). Question: just who the BEEP designed this road?
Sunday, October 17, 2004
“……国 家图书馆办理中文图书第一外借库(藏书较全的中文书库)借书证的条件是:在京中级及其以上技术职称者,在京处级及其以上行政职务者,在京就读研究生及研究 生以上学历者,外加手续费20元、押金100元”暨南大学出版社副总编辑周继武也许做梦也不曾想到,自己到位于北京的中国国家图书馆借书,会有这样一段经历。《南方周末》把这个故事讲出来,恐怕又要得罪紫禁城里的什么人了。不过总而言之,这样的事情,大家都不陌生的。
“……办理外文图书借书证的条件是:在京中级及其以上技术职称者,在京处级及其以上行政职务,在京就读博士生及 博士以上学历者,外加手续费20元,押金1000元。办证只是入门的初步条件,馆内各室还有不同的“规定”或收费……”
DOOCED: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.
- I found this site interesting though I have not read much
- I do not know the person in any way
- I feel bad about her being the origin of the word "dooced"
SoC and Deng Xiaoping
System on chip wrestles RF and digital integration issues
By Mike Clendenin
EE Times
October 11, 2004 (9:50 AM EDT)
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
"They were obsessed with speed, driven by pride and haunted by ghosts"
The Soul of A New Machine. Developers of the world's fastest oscilloscope and probe set were haunted by the ghosts of Bill Hewlett and David Packard. The specter kept them awake at nights and interrupted their workouts. First it was 8GHz, then it was 10. Let's do 12, they committed finally. EE Times records the "ah" moments in the development of a new machine. For a hands-on review, see Alex Mendelsohn's write-up. And for more on Test and Measurement achievements, come to
By Brian Fuller Stephan Ohr , EE Times
October 01, 2004 (3:47 PM EDT)
Saturday, October 09, 2004