Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bug (mostly) Fixed


Fix WYSIWYG "feature" (bug?): what I saw in blogger editor is NOT what I see in the following posted format:

%$&##@! ,! JSF ^_^ :} ,Picassa Bush DAaD -debu RTFM is ew tionary RTFM is MiI THere's W1i `,man! mI } &@{ a2a is KEY ,Picassa ard s TOYOTA @<.%[ DAaD T0: View Month 98' stupid. Edit mI XML fake $# UIUC er. Yes .doc OpenGL += BT ActiveX |/bin/sh Duc Ct. ,! Duc Ct. ,! TDK FK 650- too old f430 -Benz 99 00179: rwx ;`30893 AVE. nUm Gates Pop-cu FK

Now I have no choice but to write a pre-processor to get back to the actual wIsiwIg format :(

BTW, differet applications do different kind of mess-up work. For example, Gmail does not screw up the white spaces and tabs, but it inserts NEWLINE characters when it feels like it :((((

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