Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Two days after I left Beijing, the city was flooded by four hours' heavy rain. Many cars and buses are converted into submarines in the downtown area. The dranage system is symply not working. This happened quite often in the city of Xian. Every year the southern part of the city would be soaked in rain water a few times in the summer. I spent four years there attending college.

A brief follow-up of this incident:

About a week later in the city of Xian where a dozen ancient dynasties choose as state capital, a flood damaged a local museum and of course, the Ban Po Tribe stuff in it. Someone's house and potery are finally screwed up a million years later.

4 days before DTM (Deutch Tourwagen Masters) opened in Shanghai, the city was attacked by a heavy storm and part of the construction site for DTM was damaged and one worker was killed.

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